Today was not the first example of all the shit that goes on between me and my parents. I'm the oldest, the first born so I get hit harder with all the rules and expectations. I've almost ever missed a day of High School while I was there; mainly because my dad says that if I'm not puking, then I'm fine to go to school. Even when it comes to my grades. If I get anything under a B- then I wouldn't have any computer time.
Now, my little brother, who complains with all the rules that he has, has everything easier. He's been able to stay home more if he 'isn't feeling good' i.e. if his throat is sore, he gets to stay home. One time, when he didn't get good sleep, he was able to skip his first two classes before going back. Now, I haven't been feeling good and decided to stay home today rather than going to my classes. This is the first time in a long time that I haven't felt good enough to go to school, so I thought I should get a day off. I tell my mom that I stayed home and got 6 more extra hours of sleep, and when she tells my dad, he gets all up in my face about it.
He says how it wasn't acceptable, how I should be more responsible, and all that other shit parents usually say. I was just too tired to listen to him, and I told him such, but he just kept talking in my ear (not literally) and even when I tried to tell him that he let Jake do what I did once, he wouldn't even let me finish speaking.
Well guess what dad SCREW YOU!!!
If I want to skip one day because I'm not feeling good, I will do it. I'm still doing my homework, even though I'm not there. I'm still keeping up with everything in my classes, so why are you bugging me? And why are you caring less about my brother when he's getting E's in classes? To my parents (Dad): "Get that stick out of your ass!"